Burly Writer

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I'm a Writer, if by Writer you mean a misanthrope.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday Night Fights! Villainous Victory! Cap's No Mas!

Stan Lee wrote a blooper back in 1967, in which a Jack Kirby/Joe Sinnott-drawn Captain America rises up for the final confrontation with the "Mecho-Assassin" of the tale. The blooper comes after the bombastic beat-down Cap receives initially, fulfilling tonight's FnF villain-wins action quota:

Below is Cap's "no more" blooper statement. Obviously actions speak clearer than words in this case.

http://www.spacebooger.com/ never gives in, in word or deed!

1 comment:

  1. Que tal, pal?
    Good choice! I owned that issue many moons ago,mmm smell the fusty pages now...Cap's best punch, on that right panel;burned into my adolescent cranium it was. Thanks for the jog of memory.
